Dogging in Oswestry

Dogging in Oswestry has been alive and well for decades, register free to find dogging partners in Oswestry
and dont forget there are also sone fantastic dogging places in the nearby areas of Oswestry (0 km), Chirk (5.19 km), Ellesmere (7.35 km), Llangollen (9.11 km), Overton on Dee (9.43 km), Rhosllannerchrugog (10.77 km), Llanfyllin (11.11 km), Wrexham (13.11 km), Wem (13.76 km), Carrog (14.1 km), Welshpool (14.11 km), Corwen (15.55 km), Shrewsbury (16.29 km), Malpas (16.43 km), Whitchurch (17.4 km),

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Dogging Locations in Oswestry
If you are looking for dogging sites in Oswestry, then here is the place to be. Find local doggers in your area who use local locations and contact them on our dogging site.

Cosford car park near RAF Cosford

  • Cosford, car-park near RAF Cosford.

  • Kingswood Common

  • Kingswood Common.

  • Stanmore Industrial estate Bridgnorth

  • Stanmore Industrial estate, Bridgnorth.

  • Ercall Wood Telford

  • Ercall Wood, Telford.

  • Brown Moss Whitchurch nature reserve

  • Brown Moss Whitchurch nature reserve, parking next to the lake.

  • Broxton roundabout on the a41

  • Broxton roundabout on the a41.

  • Cardingmill valley

  • Cardingmill valley.

  • Colemere Mere woodland

  • Colemere Mere woodland.

  • Haughmond hill

  • Haughmond hill.

  • Nedge Hill Picnic area off Nedge lane

  • Nedge Hill Picnic area, off Nedge lane.

  • Oswestry old racecourse on the outskirts of oswestry

  • Oswestry old racecourse on the outskirts of oswestry.

  • Snedshill picnic area telford

  • Snedshill picnic area telford.

  • Wem business park

  • Wem business park.

  • Whitcliff common

  • Whitcliff common